It’s often necessary to restart your virtual server. This can be done through your control panel, or at the command line with this command: [root@server ~]# shutdown -r now That’s it. The “-r” switch simply means “reboot” after shutdown. Job done!
74 posts
Today we’ve updated Joomla to 3.8.0 for all users on our Managed package. Not on our Managed package? Talk to us today…
ModSecurity is a great tool to help prevent certain attacks on websites but, sometimes, the included rules can be a bit restrictive. There are ways to disable ModSecurity or to deactivate it on certain websites, but turning it off is like throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Better to […]
When it comes to setting up our own servers, there’s a lot to learn and it’s often easy to forget the things we learned in the beginning. That’s where Google, or keeping a handy blog, is a great way of keeping our Top Tech Tips to hand. These Top Tech […]